Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Yup.  Sweet girl finally convinced the mama to let her have her ears pierced.

Whaaaaat????? You mean every one of the girls in this household have pierced ears except for MEEEEEEE????  Oh, this will never do!  She ran around checking everyones ears.

"mama - earrin's" while she stretched those little 7 year old lobes till they hurt ME!

"OK, OK my little doodlebug, let's go do it!"

She cried real tears and looked ever so distraught until I whispered into her ear that she was beautiful.  It was as the sun bursts through a dark cloud - the downturned corners of her mouth suddenly shot up into her famous big grin as she pulled in a big breath and echoed breathily -

"beeeeautiful, mama!"

That's my girl.


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