Tuesday, August 7, 2012

"Rhue"Berry Crisp

aka - The Abundant Garden recipe of the week.

I wish.

Well, The "rhue" (minus the e) is true - my rhubarb is doing very nicely, thank you very much.

And, well, the blue"berry" part is partly true - the girls and I went and picked them - I s'pose that counts, right?

So, to get down to the brass tacks (ouch!), everyone wanted bassert (dessert) tonight, and the mama hadn't made any!  Horrid mum, right?

So here is the secret recipe - followed exactly as I found it.  NOT!  I'll let you know what everyone thought of it later.  If I'm still alive, that is.

Oh - since we have one member that is trying so very hard to not eat gluten, I did use the gluten free baking flour.

1/4 cup sliced almonds (I figure any nut'll do)
1/4 oats - not instant
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

oh, did I mention that I never measure anything when I bake?  do you?

3/4 cup flour
1/3 cup brown sugar (I was out so I just used white - should'a put a dash of molasses in, but I forgot)
1 tablespoon sugar
4 tablespoons butter

I also added some sunflower seeds and some shredded coconut for good measure.

Scrunch it all up real good - I just use a fork and smush it till it is all crumbly.

2 1/2 pounds rhubarb, cut into 1/2 inch pieces - I have no idea how much I put in - I let the baking dish decide the matter
blueberries - maybe about 2 cups? (the recipe didn't call for blueberries - I just decided it sounded like a good idea!  we'll see)
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons flour

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Pour the rhubarb and blueberries into a large, shallow baking dish and sprinkle with the indicated sugar and flour to coat evenly.  Spread the crisp topping over entire surface.  Bake until fruit is bubbly and the top is golden brown, approximately 30-40 minutes.  Serve warm or room temperature - plain?  With ice cream?  Yogurt?

OK - I just threw (ahem, gently placed) mine into the oven - gosh, if you get busy, you can make yours and tell me how it tastes!

Beat ya!  Ours is out and we are scoopin' it up before it has a chance to cool off and thicken a little.  I actually tossed it back in the oven for another 10 minutes after the photo shoot (hee hee - sounds so official!).  Speaking of photo - this one actually looks a little disproportional - the bowl in front is rather small and the baking dish is kinda' big - the spoon that you see is a large serving spoon.

Three of us are giving it a thumbs-up, but one had something else in mind for bassert.

Let me know if you try it!

Did you know that fuschia's produce edible berries?  I didn't either, until I saw mine and looked it up.  You can make jam/jelly with them, but that's an awful lot of little tiny berries!  I picked about 30 berries, split them in half and am going to try to start more hardy fuschia's from them.  Wish me luck.  Mine is about 10-12 feet tall and about 3 feet around in just two years!  I won't count the first year that it was planted and I pruned it down to the ground, thinking that it was dead.

Who put that silly bunny in my garden?  Well, maybe the deer won't bother him - hey - maybe he'll scare'em off so my plants could grow!

1 comment:

~Angela said...

This looks so delicious. The problem is we don't have rhubarb here in Texas. We used to grow it when I was a kid in Alaska. Hummm wonder what I could use instead? Maybe if I go to a specialty grocery store I could find some. Anyway, I will write the recipe down and hopefully give it a try. Take care my friend. Glad all is going well for your "crew."