Look who is 7!!!! Yup - it is Miss Zabi-Chu! Although she looks less than enthusiastic here, it was a much anticipated event. In fact, she was up and dressed, ready for the party to wake Dad up in the morning. Ahem - the party was at dinner time. Minor detail!
Ji-Ji snuggling on Grandma L (102 in a couple of weeks!) and Grandma J.
Sisters forever. The two 7 year olds. Chicka is not too happy that she is still 6! She only has another nearly 8 months to catch up :-(
What is more important here - a birthday girl, technology or a nap?
What???? I let my daughter use a real, sharp knife to cut vegetables with? My daughter who is blind????? Yup. How else is she going to learn to be self sufficient? Lest you panic, this was not a push the knife down moment, it was a feel exactly where the knife was on the carrot - hence the digits of the left hand in close proximity to the blade. Don't all 7 year olds use a sharp knife?
Couldn't resist, I knew that your day would not be complete without enjoying a peek at my multi-ethnic treasures that I am blessed with each day. Thank you, ladies!
Kinda like our family - all from the same original mold, all different colors, all yummy and cozy together!
Kinda like our family - all from the same original mold, all different colors, all yummy and cozy together!