Monday, March 16, 2009

A Budding Artist in the Family!

Well, this doesn't show up very well after scanning it, but Chicka drew her first baby!  You can faintly see the two eyes, the mouth (looks sad!) and the two ears!  Perhaps in my senility I have forgotten when toddlers start drawing recognizable figures, but thinking of her just one short year ago - not even being able to stand on her own, couldn't feed herself, etc. - I am one proud mama of my just turned 3 year old girl!


Leingang Family said...

What a beautiful baby Inara!

vera said...

That is absolutely precious! Thanks so much for stopping by, you have a lovely family!

Unknown said...

I really wish I had saved my daughter's first artistic renderings. She is four now and I recently saw how much she has grown/improved over the past year. So wonderful to watch!