Fonder???? Nah. Life is just crazy - never seems to be enough time to do anything outside of what NEEDS to be done. Sound familiar to anyone? What? Only me? OK, now I am depressed!

Joanie and I traveled to CA for a brief visit. Twisty, windy road, me in the backseat. Heater turned on waaaaay too high. Ah, yeah. Not a very pretty combination for someone who gets car sick. I was able to snap this photo and then it was kinda not so good after that. Fortunately, when I volunteered to drive, the offer was accepted and the
situation tummy calmed down. A nap when we got home helped, too!
Miss Chick-a-Dee on her long awaited birthday. How is it at all possible that this gem of a person has been part of our family for nearly 5 years already? She is growing up WAY too fast!
Yup - can't have a family snap without someone be tired, grumpy and happy all at the same time!
Chicka thought it was hilarious to stand like mum!
Cozy, 'eh?

U.S.A. birth certificates on their way!
A girl needs a stylin' pair of shades, right? Even if she doesn't have any light perception. And wears her shirt backwards. Right?
I-Boy and cuteC making some chocolate covered salted caramels. At midnight. I have to admit I sampled them at 7 AM the next morning and they were still good! And at 8 AM. And at 9 AM. But you didn't need to know that.
Chicka fooled everyone and made cupcakes for dinner. Frosting and all! No one complained, even though they were mini-meatloaves in cupcake form with tinted mashed potatoes on the top! She wasn't proud of herself either.

Three peas in a pod on Chinese New Year. Don't tell - two of them have Korean dresses on! Probably what JiJi is laughing about, right?
Pretty posin' Zabi.
OK. I'll try not to be gone too long this time. i do have some exciting news to share!