It was bright - we are all squinting - littles aren't being overly cooperative and the mama needed a new hairstyle/color. Other than that, here we are in all our glory! Please note the patient, handsome young man in black with a funny tassel hanging from his odd hat. I-Boy, we couldn't be prouder of you! Congratulations!

The build-up and the J.U.M.P.
Rather excited serious boys.

Look how Smiley is growing!
The graduating class of 2012. All five of them. All boys. Very serious boys. Ahem.
Five boys who just happen to play some awesome tunes together, too.
The build-up and the J.U.M.P.
Look how Smiley is growing!
Sisters having way too much fun with marshmallows at the backyard campfire.
Not a great photo, but I-Boy was awarded Rookie of the Year in his Fire Science Tech class - way to go, son!
JiJi's first run down the slip'n'slide - and yes, that is a scream of pure delight and enthusiasm!
Chicka's slide technique.
Zabi having way too much fun!