Saturday, December 31, 2011
Hard at Work Relaxing!
Friday, December 23, 2011
We are headed to Portland for JiJi's eye appointment this morning. Everything is going very well, better than I anticipated, actually! Not perfect, but close! Inappropriate noises and behaviors are falling away as if melted snow and the beautiful child that God created is emerging before our eyes. This is NOT to say that there are not difficult moments - hee hee!
We are both sleeping in large chunks at kind of odd hours, but we are getting there. Chicka and Zabi are adjusting beautifully to having a new sister and are being graciously patient and understanding.
MissE and IBoy are beyond awesome older siblings, love JiJi to pieces and have supremely helped hold down the fort in my absence. Papa is, as always, my hero and sweetie and can't get enough of his newest daughter.
We are, indeed, blessed beyond measure by our Blessed Redeemer and are eagerly anticipating His birthday in a few days, celebrating together with a new family member in our midst.
I am supremely busy, so my apologies in advance if I don't post again for a bit - I'll try, but realistically, my time is precious and I choose to spend it with my family and not on the computer.
God bless you all and a very, merry Christmas to each of you!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Wedding Day
I am FAR too tired to try to write about each of the photos - I'll try to come back later and fill you in. So sorry! JiJi was naughty even to our friend, who has been her buddy this whole week. We had to excuse ourselves and apologize to the bride for her behavior. I am VERY much looking forward to being home and not on the go all day every day and hoping that a calmer environment will work to everyone's advantage with JiJi, herself included!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
photos and captions
Sorry guys - I can't get the photos to go in the middle of words, so I can't put captions.
Heidi and I posed with some of the opera people.
I also wanted to mention that JiJi pulled out one of her top front teeth sometime during a night - I have no idea where the tooth went, and honestly think that she may have eaten it! Our guide asked her and she said she didn't know!
At home - arm yourself and watch our little ball o'fire. She can head butt you faster than anything - right on the hip bone. Ouch. She also does something that may be trying to tickle, but she pokes all of her fingers straight into the soft spots of your belly or back - it feels like she is trying to dig your intestines out and then she laughs. NOT funny! Oh, yes - I have received a few hard kicks to the shins, too! Heidi has been pinched.
Nero and his parents and friends all say that she is VERY smart and clever and assure us that once she learns English, we can work on those behaviors to help her find more appropriate ones.
Thank you, dear Laura, for your scripture verses that you are praying over us. We really do appreciate it! Heidi and I have laughed over my calm voice to JiJi. What I really want to say to her does not come out - just some irritating, "now, now, I know that you are a good girl, it is time to show mama what a sweet one you are!!!!" gag! "listen, girlfriend - you will NOT act like this - you will sit on my lap quietly in a corner until you are done with this unacceptable behavior, and then we will go have some fun!" is what I would rather be saying, in a not too friendly tone! However, that will get us nowhere yet!
OK - off to breakfast and the Safari Park! Please continue to keep us in your prayers for patience and safety!
Blessings to all
Sightseeing and Tantrums and the Tooth Fairy

Of course it doesn't help when you have half a dozen (or more) Chinese women huddling around, offering bribes, condolensces, and whatever else they might be saying - I have no idea!

I do believe that today, although long and tiring, was the first "enjoyable" day we have had! We went on a boat ride through a canal system, similar to Venice, went to a market and found many unusual items to bring home (along with a ton of unusual stares, since we were in an area where no Westerners usually go)
The boat went in front of an open stage where children were performing a traditional opera.

Thursday, December 15, 2011
SWI Visit

Some of her behaviors and sounds that we deal with each day are now explained. That is what she has lived for the past six years. We were able to take photos of her file, we have the information on who found her and his testimony. We are all exhausted after about 6 hours in the car.
The photo of JiJi in front of all the photos - her baby picture is the top row, 2nd from the right. Sorry about those hideous boots - she won't consider wearing anything else - she even has to know where they are when she is sleeping!
Much love to all!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011
checking in

We are headed to the orphanage today.
She is a joker - she asked my friend at dinner last night - "what are you eating?" Michelle told her. "What? Are you eating my fingernails, too?" and she asked Michelle's husband Tam, if he cooked the dinner. "did you cook with your socks on?" she is constantly making silly jokes to everyone around - I just wish I could understand what she was saying to people when we don't have an interpreter with us! Hmmmm - maybe I don't want to know!

We were adventurous - we ate grilled octopus tentacle and scorpions, but passed on the tarantulas.
The infamous chicken man who sells disgusting candies.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Oh My Heavens!!!!!

She loved her bath, settled into bed and is sleeping peacefully. Since Heidi and I have been up since 4AM, we are now headed to bed, too.
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Thanks for all of your continued prayers, I KNOW that that made a huge impact on all that has led up to this day, this day, and our future. THANK YOU - THANK YOU, GOD, for this awesome blessing that YOU have allowed us.