In reality, not much happened around here in those two weeks anyway! Nearly every day was cold and rainy.
The girls were pretending that the fence was a train on one of the VERY few days we saw that strange yellow orb in the sky.

We have a blockage in the dog kennel sewer line. Hubalink and I geared up to unblock it, only to find that the line has probably two 45 degree angles in it and the snake wouldn't touch the clog from either direction. I am tempted to use that high pressure water bladder doo-hicky, but in visualizing the process, all I can see is it coming unclogged and dog-doo flying everywhere. Not a pretty sight.
Another brief sunny moment.

MissE had her first solo drive to school (yup - she is now the proud owner of a driver's license!).
MissE graduates in a few weeks with not only her high school diploma, but her AA as well! We are blessed to call her daughter. Way to go, sweetness!

Ah, yes - perhaps licking the beater could be better than whipped cream! Especially one of IBoy's creations!

I had been working so hard to clear out this portion of the creek alongside our house. Just a few weeks ago, all the vegetation to either side was cleared out! I feel like we are living in a rain forest environment!
Grandma had her big party! Many former students and friends showed up whom she hadn't seen in ages!
Hubbie's two elder sisters getting adjusted. I think it is sweet that they address each other "sister of mine"!
Mr.T and MissE are cousins, only two days difference in age! He is always laughing at something and has a great sense of humor!
So there you have it. A whole lot of nuthin'!
God bless.